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Early Childhood

O que se vive no começo da vidatem impacto a vida toda

Children as Rights Holders

Under Article 227 of the Federal Constitution and the Statute of Children and Adolescents, established in 1990, children and adolescents are recognized as full rights holders. They are entitled to priority access to the means for their complete development and comprehensive protection from their families, the federal government, and society. This legal framework commits us all to the welfare of all children and adolescents. With the passage of the Legal Framework on Early Childhood in 2016, it became explicitly mandated that the Brazilian government must create public policies, plans, and services for children up to six years old to ensure their complete development. Today, children are acknowledged as active rights holders.

The Distinctive Nature of Early Childhood

The first six years of life are a period of profound development. During this time, their brain is undergoing complete construction, forming up to one million synapses per second. This stage is characterized by a remarkable openness to new experiences and an ability to rapidly absorb new knowledge and skills.

The surrounding environment, their interactions with others, and their play activities all significantly shape their physical, cognitive, and emotional development. To achieve their full potential, children require love, care, stimulation, and protection.

A Multifaceted
Early Childhood
Landscape in Brazil

How can the rights of over 18.1 million Brazilian children in early childhood be safeguarded in a country marked by profound socio-economic, ethnic-racial, regional, and gender disparities? While Brazilian legislation upholding the rights of boys and girls is acclaimed globally, the stark realities we face present deep and structural challenges. These are exacerbated by the absence of developed or implemented public policies that genuinely support families and children.



Source: ‘Perfil da Primeira Infância no Cadastro Único’ - FMCSV and Brazil’s Ministry of Social Development / 2024


Source: ‘Perfil da Primeira Infância no Cadastro Único’ - FMCSV and Brazil’s Ministry of Social Development / 2024

Structural Racism

Racismo estrutural4

Source: Brazil's National Household Survey (PNAD) 2022 - Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE)

Structural Racism

Source: Brazil's National Household Survey (PNAD) 2022 - Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE)

Food Insecurity


Source: PNAD / 2023 Food Security – IBGE

Food Insecurity

Source: PNAD / 2023 Food Security – IBGE

Early Childhood Education

educacao infantil-vfinal

Source: PNAD / 2023 Education – IBGE

Early Childhood Education

Source: PNAD / 2023 Education – IBGE

Vaccination Coverage


Source: Brazil’s Ministry of Health / ‘Todos Pela Educação’ 2024 Survey

Vaccination Coverage

Source: Brazil’s Ministry of Health / ‘Todos Pela Educação’ 2024 Survey

Prenatal Care

acompanhamento pre natal

Source: ‘Instituto de Estudos para Políticas de Saúde’ (‘Institute for Health Policy Studies’ / IEPS) – 2022

Prenatal Care

acompanhamento pre natal 2

Source: ‘Instituto de Estudos para Políticas de Saúde’ (‘Institute for Health Policy Studies’ / IEPS) – 2022

Investing in Early Childhood

Ensuring full development from an early age helps dismantle inequality, break cycles of poverty, reduce various forms of violence, and cultivate a healthier society.

Research underscores that the benefits of early interventions extend beyond childhood, influencing health outcomes, emotional connections, educational achievements, and future employment opportunities. Investing in the early years of life is an investment in the present and future well-being of society.

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